Surgery Update

So, we are kind of back to square one.

The Neurosurgeon said that in his entire career (and the man didn't appear to be fresh out of med school) that this has never happened to him although he said that it has happened to colleagues of his.
The MRI showed a spinal abscess that was not there.
The surgery that was so immediately needed was for nothing, but the only good news out of it is that they were able to obtain the needed spinal fluid and the initial thought is that it looks good. Of course we have to wait for the official results to rule out Meningitis.

Now, we are back to wondering if the Septicemia itself is causing her tremendous pain.

All we do know is that the addition of the fourth antibiotic has made a slight improvement - the one added for MRSA and Meningitis.

Yesterday, there was a decrease in Mom's fever - although it was back up after surgery.

My aunt says that Mom nodded at her once the night before last when she asked her if she was in pain. Other than that, no one else has seen Mom follow any commands.

Also, the MRI couldn't rule out an infection in the bone of Mom's left foot, but the doctor couldn't tell me for certain that there was an infection.

Personally, I think another MRI needs to be done - immediately.
I really don't care if it would change the course of treatment or not.
If the first MRI provided false positive results, it would behoove everyone to have another one...but then again, I don't have an M.D. behind my name.

We are back to waiting.

I'm thankful that we are able to be with Mom 20 hours of each day.
Even if she doesn't know we are there.

I am with Mom today.
I will post an update - especially if there are any changes.

Just pray that she is not in pain...
and I would love to see more of her beautiful blue eyes today!

Celebrating Nine Years!

My sweet girl had a very busy day! We spent the day by having lunch at one of Addie's favorite restaurants, then I took her s...