We don't know a thing about Harry Potter, except that some author is now extremely wealthy and if you want to enter into his Wizarding World, you're going to have to wait.
We heard about all the hype surrounding The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, so of course we had to check it out for ourselves.
In order to enter this world, you are required to stand in a line surrounded by security for four hours in order to receive what they call a "stand-by" ticket so that you can come back hours and hours later at a designated time.
Once you make it through the gates of this world, then you have to shove your way past people in order to stand in another line just to ride the rides.
Was it worth it?
Yes, it was.
It was one of those things that you have to do - at least one time.
Of course there was no way that we were going to invest that much time in the whole ordeal and thanks to my brother, we didn't.
My brother is awesome and somehow managed to stand in line for only 45 minutes to end up with tickets for us to return.
I don't know how he did it, according to him, he's "cool like that".
The Forbidden Journey Ride was awesome and the atmosphere - was amazing.