An email worth sharing!

One of Addie's (many) therapists emailed me and a portion of that email is very worth sharing.
I know how sweet and beautiful Addie is, but it means so much when I hear it from other people.
Every once in a while, I need to hear the beauty of how others view Addie.

"I did want to tell you one thing I observed Friday that I didn't mention. It really has nothing to do with OT, as much as what a sweet girl Addie is. During circle/song time Friday one of the little boys wanted to sing a song. He stood up and sang the ABC song. I wish you could have seen Addie's face as she turned to look up at him, just beaming at him. And she was the first to clap and cheer for him when he had finished. It was such a sweet moment, when most two year olds are all about themselves, she was really interested and seemed truly proud for/of him."

Celebrating Nine Years!

My sweet girl had a very busy day! We spent the day by having lunch at one of Addie's favorite restaurants, then I took her s...