The "After Party"

After pizza, cupcakes and ice cream, Lee's party continued on. 
We all stayed together as we ventured out into the zoo for trick or treating.
It was so much fun to be out with everyone!

Addie was such a good girl and stayed in line and patiently waited her turn.
Even Sasquatch came along for the evening.

Addie was so sweet, taking just one piece of candy each time,

making sure it landed safely in her bag.

Addie received a certificate for a meal at Joe's Crab Shack.

After trick or treating, came the train ride.
Addie loves all things trains - she was thrilled!

The carousel was awesome, with the loud music, atmosphere and going backwards in the dark!
Julien really was having a good time.
This was pre-ride and he was trying to talk to Addie.

Thank you Lee for inviting Addie to your party!
We all had an amazing time and it was so much fun to spend the evening with you!

Celebrating Nine Years!

My sweet girl had a very busy day! We spent the day by having lunch at one of Addie's favorite restaurants, then I took her s...