"Seriously Addie?!"
Is my new phrase for the ultimate level of frustration that I manage to achieve while listening to the crying Monkey in the car.
We had not even gotten out of the neighborhood when Monkey started crying.
I looked back at her with my hands held in the standard, questioning pose and asked her,
"Seriously Addie, are you seriously going to keep crying?"
She nodded and in the closest mimicking sound said, "seriously".
(insert Mommy screaming here)
Seriously, will it ever get any better?
We are on a serious deadline to help Monkey find a way past this...I am starting to think we are not going to meet the deadline.
(insert whining and imaginary, mascara running sobs here)

Celebrating Nine Years!

My sweet girl had a very busy day! We spent the day by having lunch at one of Addie's favorite restaurants, then I took her s...