After washing off the sweat accumulated in the streets of Disney, it was time to rest and there was no place she would rather be.
The bus ride back gave everyone time to relax before going full speed ahead for the next several hours.
Addie decided to ride the elephants with Julien, and she could barely see over the top.
These elephants were way too dramatic in their descent and Addie exited the ride refusing another turn.
However, the rest of the night was so much fun!
Any time we encountered music, Addie started dancing and managed to keep us entertained.
9:00 p.m. and we could have used a nice long nap!
We even ran across a dance party
and that
couldn't have been more perfect for Addie!
She danced and danced
and her sweet little spirit was out in full force!
It was - by far - Addie's favorite part of the entire Orlando stay.