The other night at home, I decided to let her try before her bath. I sat her on the potty and told her to go tee-tee and she did. The very first time I sat her on the new potty (just a few minutes ago), she went.
Notice I am not using any exclamation points at the end of my sentences?
I'm pretty sure that each time, it has merely been the change in temperature that has been the culprit of her success.
Regardless, she has been so proud of herself!
I decided that I would go ahead and buy her a little potty....with absolutely no expectations. Anything that I can do for Addie to help her feel more like everyone else, I'll do it.
So, I now have a green little frog occupying my potty room.
It fits right in with the rest of the decor in the bathroom...wouldn't you agree?