We spent months preparing for this day.
We were hoping for a winter wedding and wow did we get one!
The high was 32 degrees that day, but the atmosphere was full of excitement!
The day was perfect and we had the best time standing in the freezing cold posing for pictures...we really did! The day passed so quickly and before I knew it, it was over.

This was the beginning of another chapter in our lives and one that would lead us to Addie.
We planned on having a baby right away and we were thrilled to be starting our new lives together.
I can look back on each decision that Chris and I made and realize that our paths were predestined for Addie.
Our lives would never have been complete without her.
Julien had waited so long to become a big brother - he was ecstatic!
After an emotionally and physically difficult time we received the wonderful news that I was pregnant!
Our lives are perfect in every sense and I would not change a moment we have shared or any aspect of our lives!
I thank God each day for my beautiful children and my amazing husband!