I almost take pity on first born children.
They are the ones by which their parents manage to totally jack everything up and then hopefully learn from those mistakes so that the next child has a better chance at therapy-free adulthood.
This past Saturday, I met my sisters and nieces at a little pumpkin patch somewhat close to home.
Julien had a massive allergy attack on the hay ride and Monkus screamed most of the time, otherwise, I think it all went pretty well.
In an effort to calm the Beast, I took Monkus to get a snack (any snack just as long as it made her quiet and happy), which meant that I left my first born alone with my sisters during the scarecrow making session.
Notice that orange thingy on his shirt?
Why yes...it IS a bible verse.
Approximately 24 hours after this picture was taken, Julien came up to me and said:
"Mom....had I known they were going to put a bible verse on him, I wouldn't have made him look that way....".
Saying it as if he needed forgiveness.
So, I suppose that my psychic abilities were masked by the screaming Monkey and the allergic rhinitis and I suppose that I have learned my lesson and next year, I will know to tell my child to make a friendly looking scarecrow.
How much is one therapy session going for nowadays - $165/$175?
Add in inflation x ten years...holy cow, that's going to be expensive
all my fault.