Fall is my favorite time of year!
I love fall - the atmosphere, the activities and the beauty of the changing leaves - all of it, I love it.
This time of year makes me miss Washington so very much.
The feeling in the air this time of year is how it always felt year round in Washington and there was always some sort of activity going on, from the apple orchards to the tulip festivals to the pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms....
anyway...moving on to the scorching hot misery of Alabama....
We have been to so many pumpkin activities this year and have several more to come, that for the next two weeks most of the pictures that you will see will revolve around pumpkins.
I do realize that I can have only so many unique pictures of my children with pumpkins, but just go with it...because I love it.
These pictures are from last weekend when Julien was away.
My camera was not on its best behavior.
My husband was kind enough to act like he loved us before he crept away to listen to the Auburn game in the car...